User meeting of the pit group on September 18, 2024
User meeting of the pit group on September 18, 2024 at the Technik Museum Sinsheim. Overview of current development topics and new products from the pitEcoSystem+.
User meeting of the pit group on September 18, 2024 at the Technik Museum Sinsheim. Overview of current development topics and new products from the pitEcoSystem+.
The healthcare sector accounts for around five percent of Germany’s total CO2 footprint. Hospitals in particular, with their 24/7 operations, have a high CO2 footprint.
We are pleased to inform you that pitFM is one of the three most used CAFM systems according to the renowned CAFM Trendreport 2023 and leads the awareness benchmark 2023!
Our CAFM experts, including Thomas Bender, Dipl.-Inf. Valentino Scopece, and Andreas Stark will be on site to answer your questions and present our CAFM solution live. Come to our stand 31 and discover how our products pitCAD Ultimate and our TGA planning tool can take your facility management to a new level with pitFM!
We would like to offer you a review of the successful pit user meeting 2023 and take a closer look at the outstanding presentations and the topics discussed. This event was a unique opportunity to gain insights into the future development of our industry and to learn from leading experts.
The amendment to the Building Energy Act (GEG) places certain requirements on energy requirement certificates for buildings. The obligation to prove and document CO2 emissions presents owners and building users with new challenges.
We are pleased to announce that we have concluded a new partner agreement with our long-standing partner, IP SYSCON GmbH! We have been working closely together since 2005, distributing and developing software solutions for the municipal and public administration sector.