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IP SYSCON GmbH Partnership on a new level

Partnership on a new level


Great news!

We are pleased to announce that we have concluded a new partner agreement with our long-standing partner, IP SYSCON GmbH! We have been working closely together since 2005, distributing and developing software solutions for the municipal and public administration sector.

The picture on the left shows our Managing Director, Mr. Johannes Meßner-Haidenthaler, and the picture on the right shows the Managing Director of IP SYSCON, Mr. Marc Kodetzki.

Our aim has always been to provide our customers with the best solutions, and with this new contract we are now even better placed to do just that. We are proud to say that IP SYSCON GmbH is now the number 1 for software solutions in the municipal sector.

This partnership takes our collaboration to a whole new level! Together, we will continue to develop our software solutions and adapt them to the changing needs of municipal and public administration. Our focus is always on offering our customers the most innovative solutions that improve their work processes and make them more efficient.

We would like to thank all our customers and partners for their support. This milestone would not have been possible without you. It is you who motivate us to give our best every day. Together with IP SYSCON, we will continue to be at the forefront of providing you with the best software solutions for municipal and public administration.

Yours sincerely

Your pit Management Team
Thomas, Jannik, Robert and Johannes