Maintenance management

Maintenance and
Operator responsibility

Operator responsibility is the legal obligation to ensure the safe operation of a system, a building unit, another source of danger or an area that can be used by the public (source: VDI 3810).
With our GEFMA 444-certified maintenance management module, we make a significant contribution to operator responsibility and thus to safe building operation.
From the determination of obligations with interfaces to the connection to regulatory databases such as REG-IS or Maqsima. From maintenance planning of the maintenance and inspection services to be carried out to mobile order processing on site with the support of pitFM Mobile.

Maintenance management with pitFM – efficient, transparent, legally compliant
Master data
Valid master data on the building and the assets it contains is the basis for digital maintenance management. In pitFM, we structure systems and components according to open standards such as CAFM Connect and collect the relevant data in your BIM project as early as the planning and construction phase.
The data generated during the maintenance process can be analyzed in pitFM and put into context with other data. This allows weak points to be identified quickly and suitable optimization measures to be introduced. This is how sustainability works in times of digitalization.
Thanks to our open interface architecture in pitFM, we can easily integrate third-party applications based on technology standards such as REST or openAPI.
Legally compliant
From planning to documentation. We integrate regulatory catalogs such as REG-IS or Maqsima into the development of a legally compliant catalog of obligations and thus support you efficiently in the development of your maintenance strategy.
Efficient and user-focused
A central solution with three interfaces, based on a consistent data model. And the whole thing is fully integrated into the pitEco system. This makes it possible to implement end-to-end digital processes in which every participant is provided with the tool that is right for them.
All data is securely managed in pitFM together with its history and can be made available at the touch of a button. This creates a digital system file that is essential for legally compliant building operation.

Maintenance management
- Determination of duties
- Master data maintenance
- Developing the maintenance strategy
- Task planning
- Mobile order processing
- Quality assurance and legally compliant documentation
- Connection of third-party systems such as AVA, ERP and DMS
- Fully integrated into the pitEcoSystem
Maintenance management with pitFM at a glance
- Integration of regulatory catalogs such as REG-IS or Maqsima
- Storage of work instructions and steps, e.g. according to VDMA, AMEV
- Assignment of work orders to building, system, component, etc.
- Assignment of orders to persons, projects and budget
- Combining individual orders into collective orders
- Management of deadlines, reminder and feedback functions
- Automated updating of maintenance and inspection orders
- Allocation of calculated and actual times and materials
- Documentation of the measures implemented
- Linking test reports, acceptance protocols etc. with the work order
- Data access is controlled depending on the role
- Historization of the data
- Interface to DMS systems such as nscale from Ceyoniq
- Flexible searching and filtering according to freely definable criteria
- e.g. after orders with missed deadlines (due/open orders)
- Filters can be saved as favorites
- Visualization of the filter results in the dashboard
- Data export via drag and drop
- Freely configurable reports
- Consistent data model
- A solution with three surfaces
- Flexible use as a fat or web client
- Open interfaces based on REST and openAPI
- Fully integrated into the pitEcoSystem
- Connection of FM service providers possible via a secure cloud connection
Would you like to find out more about our maintenance management in pitFM? Our team will be happy to help you.