District of Ostprignitz-Ruppin Reference

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Real estate
District of Ostprignitz-Ruppin
The district of Ostprignitz-Ruppin is the third largest district in the state of Brandenburg in terms of area and was formed by merging the former districts of Kyritz, Neuruppin and Wittstock as part of the district reform. In 2007, the administration had to abandon the cameralistic accounting system and the district became an option municipality for the introduction of double-entry accounting in the state of Brandenburg.
The introduction of double-entry accounting prompted the Office for Real Estate and Facility Management to look for software to support double-entry financial management. Following a call for tenders and evaluation of the software presented, the district administration opted for the pitFM Kommunal software from IP SYSCON GmbH. As part of the introduction of double-entry accounting, a product plan, cost centers and cost units were introduced. Certain areas such as cost and performance accounting have not been introduced across the board for the time being.
Other requirements that were mainly placed on pitFM Kommunal are property management, budget management and monitoring, energy billing, accounting and key management, which can be mapped in the standard system without further customization. These are supplemented by the establishment of an interface to the Finanz+ financial procedure.
Since pitFM Kommunal can be used very variably and is also used by the district administration, IP SYSCON GmbH was able to implement certain customization requests, such as the individual reporting system, immediately through customizing. IP SYSCON GmbH provides the district of Ostprignitz-Ruppin with all software products and services such as implementation, customizing of reports, training and subsequent consulting from a single source.
District of Ostprignitz-Ruppin
Public Sector
Head office
Neuruppin, Germany
pit products & solutions in use
Supported processes
Property management
Cost and activity accounting
Budget and order management
Operating cost accounting
Energy billing